

We cannot talk about “craft study” or “grammar” without mentioning who’s craft, who’s grammar. In the course of this country’s history, institutional bodies have decided what is right and what is wrong, institutional bodies that have been white, male, middle- and upper class (1). These cultural narrators (2) have decided what is deemed as good writing while excluding and devaluing the other craft and grammars (3). What we’re trying to do with our Resource Guides is a “both/and.” We recognize that there is a governing body of rules and style, and we do not endorse those as the only right way to write. We offer guidance on how to use punctuation and grammar so that our writers may better navigate this system, and we empower our writers to reject these rules. In learning the rules of writing, we hope to inspire our writers to interrogate themselves and the world around them (4).

We are actively learning. As such, this introduction will continue to change as our understanding deepens. If you are interested in discussing with us further, Contact us.

  1. Robin Diangelo

  2. Robin Diangelo

  3. Kisha Porcher

  4. Ta-Nehisi Coates

Practice makes friendship

Practice makes friendship

During Hit Refresh Write-Ins, we offer Resource Guides as a complement to the poetry and prose challenges.

Poetry Guides

It’s okay if you never quite grasped Shakespeare’s iambic pentameter in high school. Because guess what? There’s a guide for that! While you’re at it, delight in pantoums, villanelles, luc bats, and all kinds of other poetry and learn how haikus can be so much more than 5-7-5.

Punctuation Guides

Can’t remember the difference between a hyphen and an em dash? Ardently against the Oxford Comma? Our punctuation guides will teach you all this plus the real way to punctuate a rhetorical question. We follow the rules of The Chicago Manual of Style.